Saturday, 1 June 2013

Day 5: Sightseeing begins!

Today, Mia and I met up with a girl named Shelby who also works in EUR at the State Department to do some sightseeing. We started out at the National Gallery of Art. Here are some highlights! (Also, just FYI, you can click on a photo to see it in a bigger size.)

The entranceway to the building ^

Yes, that's a Winslow Homer!!! ^

Robert Gould Shaw ^

Here, I'm chilling with some Monets ^

 It was sweltering outside. We walked toward the Capitol building.
Which you can see here ^
 And took a photo down the National Mall! You can see the Washington Monument behind me.
This is the Library of Congress from the outside ^

 And from the inside ^
 We'd been on our feet for four hours when we saw a carousel ^
 Yes, we went on the carousel.

It's not like we're 20 or anything...

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